Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement Projects – FY23
The NIH has released a Request for Applications (RFA) for collaborative, implementation research projects that will advance the goals of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative. Applications responding to this RFA will be submitted as requests for supplements to the Third Coast CFAR grant. The Third Coast CFAR will organize an internal competition to choose the applications that can be submitted to NIH in April. These one-page proposals are due to the Third Coast CFAR by Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. CST.
Final applications are due at NIH by April 1, 2023, with internal budget and subcontract deadlines as early as the last week of February 2023.
Eligibility and Purpose
Applicant teams must be led by a PI-eligible investigator at Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, or Lurie Children’s Hospital, in collaboration with an implementation partner in at least one of the 57 jurisdictions identified in EHE. Implementing partners can include community, local, county and state health departments, community-based organizations, and clinics receiving funds from the CDC, HRSA, SAMHSA, or IHS. These implementation research projects should be developed collaboratively by a team of CFAR investigators, community partners, implementing partners, and people with lived experience to support the local EHE plans.
The role of the NIH, as a research platform in the EHE initiative, is to support implementation research to inform HHS and partners on evidence-based practices and effectiveness. NIH-supported implementation research is critical to demonstrate the most effective strategies to adopt and integrate evidence-based HIV services, interventions, and policies to support the most affected populations. The success of this EHE initiative depends on collaborative and synergistic partnerships to develop and define approaches and models to scale up comprehensive, integrated interventions to expand testing, prevention, and treatment that optimize adherence, retention, and health outcomes, particularly in communities at highest risk for HIV infection. Projects funded under this initiative will create generalizable and actionable implementation knowledge and enhance the implementation science (IS) knowledge base needed for the EHE initiative.
Research Topics, Funds Available, and Project Period
The NIH solicits proposals for implementation research projects that address the priorities below. Budgets are limited to $150,000 (direct costs) per year for up to 2 years.
- Syndemic Approaches to HIV Prevention, Treatment, or Care
- Leveraging Pharmacies to Advance HIV Testing, Prevention, and Care
- Strategies to Improve Linkage to HIV Care and Services Post-Incarceration
- Cluster Detection and Response Strategies
Internal Proposals
If you are interested in applying for an EHE supplement, please contact Justin Schmandt as soon as possible to discuss your idea and tentative team. EHE Scientific Working Group Co-Directors Drs. Gregory L. Phillips and Inger Burnett-Zeigler are also available to help potential applicants develop their ideas and facilitate new collaborations. One-page proposals must be submitted via email by 5:00 p.m. CST on January 26, 2023. References do not count toward the page limit. More than one internal proposal may be submitted to the Third Coast CFAR, although faculty will not be allowed to serve as PI or Co-PI on more than one final application to the NIH.
Plans are not binding, but the one-page proposal must address and be organized by the points below. PLEASE NOTE: Faculty submitting a full application to the NIH must have IRB approval for their project by May 15, 2023. Not having IRB approval by May could jeopardize funding for all supplement projects because they are awarded in a single notice.
- Academic project leader/supplement PI (name, title, and institution)
- Primary implementation partner (name, title, and institution)
- Additional academic institutions or community partners (name, title, and affiliation)
- Research topic, EHE pillar/s to be addressed, and the related service or program (funded by CDC, HRSA, SAMHSA, IHS, CDPH, or IDPH)
- Team members (names, titles, and institutions). Co-investigators and team members can be named on more than one proposal.
- Working project title and proposed project period
- Brief synopsis of the project
- Anticipated outcome/s of the project
One-page proposals will be competitively reviewed by the Third Coast CFAR’s EHE SWG, Developmental Core, and Steering Committee. Selections will be shared as quickly as possible. The NIH will likely release the RFA for CFAR program supplements in the basic, clinical, social, and behavioral sciences (i.e., not EHE supplements) in February 2023. The Developmental Core will organize a separate internal competition for CFAR program supplements.
View the full RFA
Developmental Core
Jenny Trinitapoli, PhD, The University of Chicago
Developmental Core Director
Richard D’Aquila, MD, Northwestern University
Developmental Core Co-Director
Justin Schmandt, MPH, Northwestern University
CFAR Associate Director
To request information about Developmental Core awards and services, contact Justin Schmandt.