Pilot Awards

The Third Coast Center for AIDS Research (TC CFAR) Developmental Core regularly solicits applications for pilot awards that will support new HIV research led by early stage investigators or faculty new to HIV. Results from pilot awards should form the basis of a future application to the NIH for HIV research. The Developmental Core has funded 52 high-impact pilot projects from 2015-2024.

Funding Opportunity Description

The Third Coast Center for AIDS Research (TC CFAR) is seeking applications for pilot awards to begin in mid-2025. The TC CFAR pilot award program prepares faculty to successfully compete for HIV research funding from the NIH that will accelerate efforts to end the HIV epidemic. Applications from all disciplines in HIV science are welcome. Pilot awardees generate preliminary data, build collaborations, and gain experience that will ultimately lead to a first R01 or equivalent award in HIV. Early stage and new investigators, as well as R01-funded investigators from other fields who are expanding their work to include HIV, are encouraged to apply. 

Growing and supporting the pool of faculty leading high impact HIV research in Chicago is the TC CFAR Developmental Core’s primary mission. Core leadership invites interested investigators and their mentors to reach out with questions at any point in the application process. Applicants are encouraged to utilize services and resources offered by the center’s three scientific cores to support proposals and funded awards. Learn more about CFAR core services. The Developmental Core intends to call for pilot award applications again in late 2025.

A note about eligibility: The TC CFAR will expand in 2025 to include RUSH University and the University of Illinois at Chicago, in addition to founding academic partners, Northwestern University and the University of Chicago. Eligible faculty from all four universities are enthusiastically encouraged to participate in the pilot program.

Funds Available and Project Timelines

  • Direct costs are $60,000 for single PI awards and $80,000 for MPI awards. Smaller budgets may be awarded commensurate with the proposed study.
  • Awards will be made from the TC CFAR P30 grant and/or institutional commitments.
  • Funding is contingent upon NIH support for the TC CFAR, which is expected to continue through 2029. Applications will be prioritized for funding once the CFAR has received its NoA (anticipated May 2025).
  • The maximum project period is one year. Proposals for shorter projects are encouraged.
  • Regulatory approvals or exemption determinations from the designated IRB or IACUC offices must be in place before an application will be prioritized for funding. Proposals must include documentation that the applicant has started any required approval processes. 


  • Scientific focus. The TC CFAR supports HIV research from every discipline across the translational spectrum and especially encourages new cross-disciplinary collaborations. Pilot projects must directly address NIH priorities for HIV research (See strategic goals 1-3, as described in NOT-24-060) and faculty awardees must have a clear plan to eventually lead investigator-initiated HIV research funded by the NIH. The pilot program is not an appropriate pathway toward future research funding from other federal agencies or private entities.
  • Applicants. The PI on the application must be an early stage or new investigator (i.e., not yet PI on an R01-equivalent NIH grant) or an established PI from another field who is new to HIV (i.e., history of R01-equivalent funding outside of HIV research). The PI must be a TC CFAR faculty member, which means they hold a PI-eligible appointment at Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, Rush University, or the University of Illinois at Chicago. Multiple PI proposals are allowed as long as the PIs are from different institutions. Each MPI must meet all eligibility criteria for the award. Investigators currently on a K award or preparing for one are encouraged to pursue pilot funding as long as the project is distinct from the research activities of the K award.
  • Mentors. New investigators are required to include an established HIV researcher (i.e., PI of an R01-equivalent grant in HIV) as primary mentor on the application. The Developmental Core will expect the mentor to support the mentee and interact with the Core throughout the application process, including confirmation that the mentor approved the full pilot application before submission. Mentors are also expected to support the project throughout its planning and execution phase. Primary mentors on pilot awards must be faculty at a TC CFAR institution; secondary mentors from external universities are allowed. R01-funded PIs who are new to HIV are strongly encouraged to include an HIV mentor on the application who can help ensure the project is responsive to NIH priorities for HIV and leverages CFAR resources. The Developmental Core can help identify appropriate mentors before the LOI due date.  

Pilot RFA Q&A Session

The Developmental Core organized an online meeting on February 5 to answer questions about the spring 2025 pilot award competition. View the slide deck and recording.

Key Dates

  • Pilot RFA Q&A: February 5, 2025
  • Required Letter of Intent survey due: February 19, 2025
  • Applications due: March 31, 2025
  • Project start dates will be determined at the time of the award.

View the RFA.

It is the mission of the Developmental Core of the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research to provide strong support for new investigators and established investigators new to HIV research. Please contact us with questions or requests for assistance at any point in the application process.

Developmental Core

Elena Martinelli, PhD, MPH
Developmental Core Director
Northwestern University

Sybil Hosek, PhD
Developmental Core Co-Director
University of Illinois at Chicago

Ali Keshavarzian, MD
Developmental Core Co-Director
RUSH University

Kathryn Macapagal, PhD
Developmental Core Co-Director
Northwestern University

Jenny Trinitapoli, PhD
Developmental Core Co-Director
University of Chicago

Justin Schmandt, MPH
Developmental Core Administrator
Third Coast CFAR

To request information about Developmental Core awards and services, contact Justin Schmandt.