Community Dissemination Awards

Funding Opportunity Description

The Third Coast CFAR supports dissemination of HIV research and engagement between community members and investigators through Community Dissemination Awards (CDA). Applicants often propose integrating opportunities for engagement through Third Coast CFAR participation in events that include space for co-sponsors. Other creative mechanisms that promote research dissemination or foster engagement between community members, community organizations, and faculty are welcome and encouraged. View ideas for community engagement activities at Third Coast CFAR-supported events.

The TC CFAR will issue a new RFA in early 2025 for the next CDA funding cycle. The RFA from the most recent CDA competition is provided below for reference.

Funds Available and Duration of Support

Community Dissemination Awards can support a one-time activity or ongoing program of engagement within a one-year period. Awards are limited to up to $2,000.


Community organizations providing HIV services in the Chicagoland area are eligible for these funds. Applicants are invited to register for free CFAR membership before submitting a proposal. Please note: If you are not a 501(c)(3) organization, we ask you to add a strong case in your narrative about why your organization should be selected. 501(c)(3) organizations will be prioritized for funding but other organizational entities will be considered.


  • Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 11:59pm CT.
  • Senior Third Coast CFAR faculty and community members will review all applications that meet requirements of the RFA. Applicants might be contacted with brief follow up questions before decisions are made. 
  • Funding decisions will be communicated to all applicants by October 31, 2024.
  • Proposed activities may begin as early as December 1, 2024. 
  • When feasible, payment of award will be made before the proposed activities. 

How to Apply

Applicants are encouraged to contact Jessi Dehlin at prior to submission of a proposal. She will advise on project and budget development, the University of Chicago and Third Coast CFAR goals and policies that may apply, and can coordinate opportunities for community engagement activities. She is also available to answer any questions about the application submission and review process.

Developmental Core

Jenny Trinitapoli, PhD, The University of Chicago
Developmental Core Director

Kathryn Macapagal, PhD, Northwestern University
Developmental Core Co-Director

Elena Martinelli, PhD, Northwestern University
Developmental Core Co-Director

Justin Schmandt, MPH, Northwestern University
CFAR Associate Director

To request information about Developmental Core awards and services, contact Justin Schmandt.