May, 2016
Event Details
Eli Lieber, PhD Co-Director
Event Details
Dedoose is a cross-platform app for analyzing qualitative and mixed methods research with text, photos, audio, videos, and spreadsheet data. Join us on Northwestern University’s Chicago campus for an interaction session with Dr. Eli Lieber as he introduces the features and benefits of using Dedoose.
Dr. Lieber has spent the last decade focused on developing and implementing strategies and solutions for effectively and efficiently conducting integrated (mixed methods) research. Initially trained as a quantitative psychologist specializing in social-cognitive development and measurement, his post-doctoral training and subsequent work have included teaming with colleagues from a wide variety of other social science disciplines. The results of this experience—expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods—have proven to be the ideal preparation for his present focus on integrated methods and research design. In particular he has earned a sterling reputation for developing creative strategies to maximize the use of technology in social science research—his contributions to the development of Dedoose being the primary outcome. Dr. Lieber’s professional research interests center on socio-cultural impacts on disease transmission and prevention, Asian and Asian immigrant family experiences, and children with Type 1 diabetes and their families. Many of these interests have grown from his nearly five years of work in Taiwan and his continued collaboration with investigators in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China in the study of social cognition, social cognitive development, parenting styles and practices, and the general adaptation of families to the challenges of immigration and a modernizing world. He has published numerous articles based on this research and the development and application of integrated methods.Dr. Lieber received his B.A. in Psychology from California State University, Northridge (1988) and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (1996).
May 17, 2016 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Northwestern University