The DC and Emory CFARs are excited to announce the NIH has released the 2023 Adelante RFA.
Adelante – meaning forward or onward in Spanish – is funded by the NIH/NIMHD and administered through two NIH-funded Centers for AIDS Research (CFARs): District of Columbia and Emory University. Through this program, the NIH strives to promote the mentored development of early-career investigators who focus on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care in Latina/x/o communities.
The Adelante program supports 2-year Adelante Teams consisting of a scholar (Early Stage Investigator), a CFAR-affiliated mentor, and a collaborating partner representative who is from a Community-based Organization that serves Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o populations. Adelante teams should be supportive, diverse, and interdisciplinary. Proposed research should be community-based and reflect local Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o-community needs, as identified by science and the local community.
Research proposal topics may include but are not limited to:
- Developing, testing, and implementing strategies to improve HIV testing and entry into prevention services by Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o people.
- Long-term prevention strategies specific to Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o populations for HIV-relevant coinfections and comorbid conditions across the lifespan
- Effective socio-behavioral interventions to achieve uptake of HIV prevention and treatment strategies by Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o people and reduce health disparities among the population.
- Implementation research tailored specifically for Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o populations that are designed to ensure that biomedical and other prevention and treatment strategies are initiated as soon as possible, that retention and engagement in treatment services are increased, and/or that maintenance of optimal prevention and treatment responses are achieved.
- Research that examines HIV-related health and social issues in Hispanic and/or Latina/x/o populations, such as other infectious or non-infectious conditions and substance use or mental health disorders that are clearly linked with HIV (transmission/acquisition, pathogenesis, morbidity and mortality, stigma) in sub-populations or settings with high HIV prevalence or incidence.
Applicants may request up to $100,000 in direct costs per year ($200,000 over two years) plus applicable indirect costs, not to exceed direct costs per year. This funding may be used for salaries, technical support, laboratory supplies, equipment, and research- or training-related activities including but not limited to enrollment in training classes or workshops, travel to the CFAR Mentor’s institution, or travel to the research field site.
View the full RFA and contact information on the Adelante program website.