Drs. John Schneider and Jenny Trinitapoli, the Developmental Core leaders, and CFAR director, Dr. Richard D’Aquila, would like to congratulate the investigators recently selected for Community Collaborative Awards. These $10,000 grants support exploratory research within community-academic partnerships. Working as Co-Principal Investigators, leaders from an academic institution and a community organization develop innovative ideas that lay the groundwork for future collaborative NIH-funded HIV research.  

Engaging Black Sexual and Gender Minority Youth to Advise Community-Based Participatory Research Focused on HIV 
Darnell Motley, PhD, The University of Chicago 
Chris Balthazar, MA, Task Force 

Chicago Latinx HIV/AIDS Community Collaborative  
Gregory Phillips II, PhD, Northwestern University  
Pedro Serrano, MPH, Hektoen Institute/Core Center 
Audrey French, MD, Hektoen Institute/Core Center 

The Third Coast CFAR scientific cores will provide services and resources to support the Winter 2021 Community Collaborative Awards as they develop. Learn more about CFAR core services