Post-Doctoral Training Opportunities in Addiction

NIDA T32 Training Grant

The University of Chicago has openings for post-doctoral trainees in addiction research as part of our NIDA-supported Training Program. Training faculty represent a broad range of disciplines from basic preclinical neuroscience to human behavior and treatment. Preclinical investigations of cellular and molecular mechanisms of addiction include laboratories that are overseen by Xiaoxi Zhuang, Bill Green, and Ming Xu. Labs that are using synaptic, circuit and systems-level analyses include Dan McGehee, Mark Sheffield, Dan Margoliash, and Fred Garcia. We have strong programs investigating human behavioral pharmacology, human imaging, and treatment for drug abuse, including Harriet de Wit, Andrea King, Jon Grant, Dave Gallo, and Chin-tu Chen. In addition, several of our training faculty are actively involved in public health, epidemiology and policy-related studies relevant to drug abuse, including Ben Lahey, Don Hedeker, John Schneider, and Harold Pollack. The University of Chicago is a highly collaborative research institution with a long history of commitment to addiction research.

The NIDA Training Program at the University of Chicago offers a unique interdisciplinary training environment. Trainees conduct their primary research with one of the faculty listed above, and have opportunities to engage in experiences beyond their primary research through an internship program, co-mentorship opportunities, an active seminar series which fosters interactions with other leading scientists in drug abuse field. The University of Chicago offers a lively cross-disciplinary intellectual environment that includes the Grossman Neuroscience Institute, Institute for Translational Medicine, human and animal behavioral laboratories, a drug abuse treatment program, and epidemiological and policy-related studies.

Post-doctoral candidates should contact the faculty member with whom they wish to work or submit a cover letter and curriculum vitae to Elena Rizzo at Appointments are usually for two years. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.