The Johns Hopkins NeuroHIV Comorbidities Scholars Program— is a national education-research mentoring institute for undergraduate students who reside in high HIV-1 incidence/prevalence regions to receive training during the summer in NeuroHIV and its associated comorbidities. Subject area experts across Johns Hopkins University participate in teaching and mentoring.
The overall goal is to identify, nurture and provide cross-disciplinary training that will enable highly motivated and outstanding scholars to pursue a research or clinical scientist career in the neurologic infections and mental health field.
Through an innovative student-centered approach aimed at providing cross-disciplinary exposure, during 10-week summer paid internships, undergraduates will be introduced to cutting-edge topical areas of basic and clinical research that intersect with HIV including neuroscience, aging, bioinformatics, neuropsychiatric and substance use disorders. Through the completion of capstone education and/hands-on research projects and presentations, participants will develop the ability to read and understand the scientific literature, and gain practice in the communication of science in both written and oral formats.
The individual development plan approach will be used in one-on-one mentoring with expert faculty mentors to assist trainees in developing and planning their next career steps and to identify any other areas of professional development required.
To apply, please visit the temporary portal for submissions. Under Application Process, double click on the blue words “click here” to open the online application. The deadline for this program is February 17th (not January 24th). Email Dr. Amanda M. Brown with questions about the program and application process.