Planning Committee (left to right) Thomas Hope, Richard D’Aquila, Roslyn Taylor, Susan Cu-Uvin, Phyllis Tien, Renee Heffron, and Susan Cohn (not pictured).

On October 21-22, the Third Coast CFAR hosted a successful and highly productive Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Symposium. The Planning Committee thanks the meeting’s 175 attendees for their participation. Abstracts from 54 early career investigators were competitively selected for oral and poster presentations, and three cross-disciplinary plenary sessions highlighted established scientists’ domestic and global HIV research. Photos and other updates from the symposium are posted on the Third Coast CFAR website.

The symposium was supported by an award to Thomas Hope (R13 AI147966), director of the Third Coast CFAR’s Viral Pathogenesis Core, an administrative supplement (P30 AI027763) to Phyllis Tien, chair of the Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Working Group, the Third Coast CFAR (P30 AI117943), and generous support from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and other co-sponsors.