Congratulations to the teams selected to lead Third Coast CFAR EHE SWG Planning Projects! The first round of EHE Planning Awards supports partnerships between academic and practice-based members of the Ending the HIV Epidemic Scientific Working Group. These collaborative teams will explore ideas for innovative research studies, demonstration projects, or health services that will meet the objectives of the federal EHE initiative. The partnerships built over the next several months will position teams to submit competitive proposals in 2020, in response to upcoming funding opportunities from NIH, HRSA, and CDC.
Expanding knowledge for action: leveraging existing data and models to expand PrEP use in cis-women
Sadia Haider, MD, MPH, University of Chicago
Lisa Hirschhorn, MD, MPH, Northwestern University
Zyra Gordon-Smith, DNP, Howard Brown Health
Examining Molecular HIV Surveillance Data, Clinical Records, and Community Survey Data to Understand HIV Transmission Dynamics
Ramon Lorenzo Redondo, PhD, Northwestern University
Ronald Lubelchek, MD, CORE Center
Invisible and Underserved: Improving the Health System’s Surveillance of HIV-Related Health Outcomes of Bisexual Patient Populations to End the HIV Epidemic in Chicago
Lauren Beach, JD/PhD, Northwestern University
Laura Rusie, ScM, Howard Brown Health
The Patient and Community-centered Research Infrastructure Development and Education Project (PC-RIDE)
Jessica Ridgway, MD, MS, University of Chicago
Jodi Simon, DrPH, AllianceChicago
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Trajectories among Minority Populations
Russell Brewer, DrPH, MPH, University of Chicago
Maria Pyra, PhD, MPH, Howard Brown Health
Rapid Start: barriers and facilitators to achieving universal rapid antiretroviral treatment and prevention coverage across Chicago
Shannon Galvin, MD, Northwestern University
John Peller, MPP, AIDS Foundation of Chicago
The Third Coast CFAR scientific cores will provide services and resources to support EHE Planning Projects as they develop their partnerships. Learn more about the EHE SWG and core services.