The goal of the Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Symposium is to identify gaps in knowledge in HIV and women’s research and develop strategies that will move the field forward. In order to accomplish this goal, we aim to generate collaborative activity between CFARs and other research networks, highlighting cutting edge science and promoting opportunities for early career investigators.
ABSTRACTS DUE Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The planning committee solicits abstracts for posters and oral presentations related to all areas of HIV among women including prevention, treatment, and cure.
The review committee will prioritize abstracts submitted by junior and mid-level investigators, including predoctoral fellows through Assistant Professor titles. Abstracts must be no more than 350 words in length. Review criteria include overall impact, contribution to the field of HIV in women, and responsiveness to NIH Office of AIDS Research Priorities.
Plenary speakers are confirmed for the exciting areas below:
- Hormones, hormones, hormones
- Long Acting ARV formulations for treatment and prevention: Are there sex differences?
- Optimization of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Cis and Trans Men and Women
The 2019 Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Symposium will also feature breakout meetings and networking lunches with senior HIV investigators by topic area. Please check up to four topics of interest to you on the abstract submission page.
Registration for the 2019 Inter-CFAR Women and HIV Symposium will open this summer. Some travel support will be available based on need. There will be no registration fee.
Submit your abstract here.