NHLBI is pleased to announce a Notice of Special Interest, ‘SEARCH’: Stimulating ExplorAtory Research on HIV/AIDS Contribution to Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Comorbidities (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed).
NIH is shifting away from institute Program Announcements (PAs) and increasingly replacing them with Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) (https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2019/02/06/notices-of-special-interest/).
‘SEARCH’ is the first HIV-specific NOSI from NHLBI. The institute is very interested in supporting innovative, exploratory research to advance our understanding of the intersections between long-term ART use, chronic inflammation/immune activation in the setting of suppressed viremia, and the development of HIV-related heart, lung, blood, and sleep comorbid disease. Examples of responsive, high priority research topics can be found in the NOSI. Studies will be supported via modular budget R01s. Applications that seek to perform proof-of-concept studies and/or exploratory research with the objective of generating robust preliminary data for larger grant applications are encouraged. Thus, hypothesis driven projects with limited or very minimal preliminary data are acceptable. Applications in response to this NOSI will be reviewed by the NIH Center for Scientific Review, HIV Comorbidities and Clinical Studies (HCCS) standing AIDS study section.
Importantly, applications in response to this NOSI must be submitted through the NIH parent R01 announcement (PA-19-056) on standard AIDS receipt dates but submissions should indicate that they are in response to NOT-HL-19-677 in Field 4.b on the SF 424 form.
Potential applicants should contact Dr. Lis Caler (lis.caler@nih.gov) at NHLBI prior to submission.