The First HIV MUCOSAL SYSTEMS MEETING is to be held April 29 – May 2, 2018, in Santa Rosa, California.

The goal of this meeting is to provide a much-needed platform for international interchange on important topics relating to HIV interactions with mucosal systems. Sessions include: an overview session describing HIV relevant mucosal, mucosal innate and adaptive immunology, mucosal epithelial barriers, microbiome, mucous properties, mucosal transmission, interventions, technological advancements in mucosal research, and relevant epidemiology and clinical science aspects in HIV.

We are seeking abstracts for presentations, due February 23rd by 8 p.m. EST by submitting to Please limit your abstract body to 300 words, and designate if you are an early career investigator eligible for a scholarship (defined here as in a training position such as graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or within 3 years of Assistant Professor designation). Scholarships will be awarded based on abstract quality (no other documents will be necessary for submission). Notifications of abstract disposition and scholarship awards will come on or before March 12th, 2018 via email. Please forward to anyone who may be interested.

Registration will be open soon. As a reminder, the meeting registration will be only $300 and the rooms at the meeting site (Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, CA) are a very reasonable $139/night.

We highly encourage young investigators to attend, this will be an excellent opportunity for learning, discussion, and networking.