Landscape of NIH-Funded HIV Implementation Research

J.D. Smith, PhD
Associate Director, Center for Prevention Implementation Methodology (Ce-PIM)
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Northwestern University

Nanette Benbow, MAS
Co-Director, Third Coast CFAR Behavioral, Social and Implementation Sciences (BSIS) Core
Research Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Northwestern University

Building on earlier HIV Implementation Science Workshops, this session identifies the proportion and characteristics of HIV-related implementation research studies funded by NIH, and discusses multiple implementation research methods used to study interventions targeting various points in the HIV prevention and care continuums. Presented October 8, 2018. Members of the Inter-CFAR Implementation Science Working Group published some of these findings in AIDS and Behavior in December 2019. Landscape of HIV Implementation Research Funded by the National Institutes of Health: A Mapping Review of Project Abstracts. Smith, J.D., Li, D.H., Hirschhorn, L.R. et al. AIDS Behav (2019).

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