Inter-CFAR Implementation Science Resources

HIV Implementation Science Workshop – April 2018

In April 2018, the Third Coast and Johns Hopkins University CFARs hosted a two-day workshop focused on increasing the use of implementation science in HIV research, with support from an NIH administrative supplement (P30 AI117943). Presentations and other meeting materials are available for download and offer a useful introduction to implementation science frameworks and their applications to HIV research. 

Purpose of April 2018 HIV Implementation Science Workshop
Brian Mustanski, PhD
Third Coast CFAR & Northwestern University

Synthetic Example of Implementation Research in HIV
J.D. Smith, PhD
Northwestern University

Model: Partner-based HIV Care and Treatment for Expectant Couples in Rural Mozambique – Application of Re-AIM Framework
Carolyn Audet, PhD
Vanderbilt University

Selecting the Right Implementation Strategy for an Intervention and Its Context
Vivian Go, PhD
University of North Carolina

HIV Implementation Science Methodology 
Patrick Sullivan, PhD, DVM
Emory University CFAR

Reach Indicators & IS Metrics
Brian Mustanski, PhD
Third Coast CFAR & Northwestern University

Using Modeling to Set Targets in Implementation Research 
Patrick Sullivan, PhD, DVM
Emory University CFAR

Has HIV Treatment Guideline Expansion Improved Timely Uptake of ART? Examining Implementation Strategies
Denis Nash, PhD, MPH
CUNY Institute for Implementation Science in Population Health

Data for Care (D4C) Alabama: A Clinic-wide Risk Stratification Retention in Care Intervention 
Michael Mugavero, MD, MHSc
University of Alabama at Birmingham CFAR

Implementation Science Terminology and Definitions in Practice
Chris Hoffmann, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University CFAR

The CFAR ECHPP Initiative: History, Highlights and Lessons Learned
Alan Greenberg, MD, MPH
The George Washington University & DC-CFAR

Recorded Webinars

Don’t Assume If You Build It They Will Come: Two Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trials of eHealth HIV Prevention Programs for Diverse Adolescent and Young Adult MSM
Brian Mustanski, PhD
Third Coast CFAR & Northwestern University

Other Materials

Agenda – HIV Implementation Science Workshop
List of Workshop Participants
April 10 – 11, 2018
Chicago, Illinois

The April 2018 HIV Implementation Science Workshop was supported in part by an administrative supplement to the Third Coast CFAR (NIH P30 AI117943). The workshop and related strategic planning initiatives were led by Brian Mustanski (Northwestern University), Nanette Benbow (Northwestern University), and Stefan Baral (Johns Hopkins University).