Abstract Guidelines

The Third Coast Center for AIDS Research Annual Symposium will include a poster session that features innovative HIV-related research from local investigators. The Symposium Organizing Committee places special emphasis on including abstracts that will generate discussion related to this year’s “global to local” theme.

Abstracts for this symposium are due Monday, September 17, 2018. There is no fee for abstract submission. The Symposium Organizing Committee will review submitted abstracts and authors will be notified if accepted for a poster presentation.


Abstracts may not exceed 300 words. The abstract title, authors, institutions, and financial support information do not count toward this allotment.

Content: Abstracts must be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct American English. Abstracts should contain the following:

  1. Statement of specific objectives, unless given by the title;
  2. Brief statement of methods, if pertinent;
  3. Summary of results;
  4. Statement of conclusions and significance.

Abstracts from all stages of research are eligible for submission and presentation. If this is your first time submitting an abstract, consider having a mentor critique your abstract prior to submission.


All abstracts should be submitted in the following format:

  1. Set top, bottom, left and right margins at 1 inch each.
  2. The abstract should be single-spaced. The entire document should be justified.
  3. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, regular.
  4. The abstract title should be in sentence case. Make only the title bold.
  5. Include full author names and affiliations after the title.
  6. Enter financial support information at the end of the abstract.
  7. All abstracts must be submitted in a Word.doc format


Abstract Example
Title of Abstract, Abel B. Able1, Capable Goodwin2, 1Department of Biochemistry, 2Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of the Midwest, Chicago, IL.[300 word text for abstract]

This work was supported by a Pilot Award from the NIH-funded Third Coast Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) (P30 AI117943) and [other awards].




Submit Your Abstract