Congratulations to the awardees of five projects the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has selected for Fiscal Year 2023 supplements to the Third Coast CFAR! These high-impact projects address the goals of the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative and the NIH Office of AIDS Research priorities

EHE Supplements 

Ending the HIV Epidemic Awards Granted

To support the EHE initiative, NIH offers supplemental funds through the CFAR P30 grant for implementation research led by faculty and community- or health department-based partners. Projects are typically one to two years. Since the launch of the EHE initiative, NIH has issued 15 EHE Supplement Awards to Third Coast CFAR members, which are highlighted in our new infographic.

Awardees: Dennis Li, PhD, Northwestern University, Andrea Dakin, PhD, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, and Jill Dispenza, Center on Halsted 
Project: Assessing a Centralized Care Engagement and Syndemics Strategy for HIV (ACCESS-HIV) 

Awardees: Jade Pagkas-Bather, MD,MPH, University of Chicago, and Warren Komis, MPH, Chicago Family Health Center 
Project: Chicago One Step PrEP: Examining the Acceptability and Feasibility of Pharmacy-Led PrEP Starts and Management Within the Patient-Centered Health Home 

Awardees: Amelia Van Pelt, PhD, Northwestern University, and Jorge Cestou, PhD, Chicago Department of Public Health   
Project: Crowdsourcing Strategies for the Implementation of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir (CAB-LA) for HIV Prevention for Men Who Have Sex with Men in Chicago

CFAR Supplements

Periodically, the NIH CFAR program stimulates new areas of HIV research through short-term supplements to the Third Coast CFAR grant.

Awardee: Jagadīśa-devaśrī Dācus, PhD, Northwestern University 
Project: Partnering and Programming for a Pathway to HIV Research

Awardee: Vinayak Dravid, PhD, Northwestern University 
Project: Development of Rapid, Multiplexed Detection Assay for HIV, HBV, and HCV Antigens Using a Nano-Electro-Mechanical System